How To Be Productive In The Office

how to be productive in the office

Imagine walking into the office feeling like a million bucks!

Focus On Your Sleep

Being productive in the office starts with a good night’s sleep. There are different opinions on how many hours of sleep you need each night. I usually average 5-7 hours a night. Sometimes on five hours of sleep I feel fully charged next morning. Those well rested nights consisted of quality sleep.

Doesn’t happen all the time but when it does, watch out world!

Sleeping well affects every aspect of your cognitive function. Your memory is sharper, decision making is crisper, and you can handle complex tasks with more ease.

Quality sleep is your secret weapon for productivity!

To get quality sleep

  • Stick to a consistent sleep schedule.
  • Wind down prior to bed. Read a book instead of looking at the screen.
  • Get some exercise.
  • Avoid caffeine late in the day.

It’s important because you want to be your best in the office. This is good for showing your true worth to the company, build your business, connections, contacts, etc.

Be Sure To Get Some Morning Nutrition

Liquid nutrition can give your mind a quick energy boost. There are smoothies you can whip up each morning or if you’re lazy like me, make an energy shot.

Energy Shot

  • Pour around 250 mL of orange juice into a shaker cup. I prefer orange juice with pulp.
  • Dump in a scoop of nutritious powder
  • Close the lid, shake and chug it down.

I have tried a few nutritious powders and haven’t noticed much of an impact or improvement in the way I feel. But there was one I discovered which had an effect on me and improved a few areas of my life as well. So I have been using that brand since October 2023.

Just remember everyone is different. What works for me might not work for you. And vice versa.

What You Can Add To Your Morning Nutrition

There is a popular drink you can have alongside your morning nutrition. And that is a cup of coffee. Some drink one a day. Others have multiple.

If you drink coffee you may feel an energy boost in the early days of drinking a specific brand or type. But after a while your mind will get used to it and you may not feel much of an energy boost anymore.

With drinking coffee changing up the bean every so often may keep the daily energy boost going.

I don’t really drink coffee. But do prefer espresso. Much smaller size with a larger impact.

When I have morning nutrition and an espresso around the same time, my head is usually flying.

Set Goals and Prioritize Tasks

Each day mark down what your goals are and prioritize what needs to be done first. Staying or keeping yourself organized will make things a lot easier for you.

Take Action Right Away

Once you know your goals, don’t waste time and right away take action!

One secret to success is to take immediate action. The sooner you get started, your focus increases and much better chance you will get things done.

If you keep postponing or pushing it forward, less chance it will ever get done. I know from experience.

Break Tasks into Smaller, Manageable Chunks

This will help make them easier to complete and faster too. By completing each chunk you experience a sense of accomplishment which increases both your confidence and happiness.

Minimize Distractions

Our cell phones distract us more than anything.

  • Turn off the ringer/vibrator
  • Disable the notifications
  • Use Focus apps
  • Or put your phone on airplane mode and place it somewhere out of reach

If you’re working on the computer, you’ll probably end up doing what you wanted to do on your phone on the computer.

With whatever computer software you’re using, stick to only using that and keep it maximized-full screen.

Take Breaks To Prevent Burnout and Maintain Focus

Don’t spend the entire day focused on the task at hand. You will burn yourself out a lot faster leaving you unproductive for a big portion of the day.

Take breaks every so often to recharge and clear your mind. When in the office I find going outside recharges and rejuvenates my mind and when I get back to work, my mind feels productive again.

Keep A Tidy Workspace

With an empty, clean, tidy workspace I feel more productive and motivated to get work done. When my workspace is cluttered with many things, I feel squished and it becomes difficult for me to stay focused.

Clean workspace makes it easier to stay focused and get the job done.

Communicate With Your Colleagues

Communication is key. If there are any updates they need to know, be sure to keep them updated. It’s important for everyone to be on the same page.

Be The Best At What You Do

Do what you normally do for your job. Just go the extra mile. Do a better job than your coworkers. If a customer emailed you asking for a status update on something, quickly respond with a positive tone and answer them. Even provide some detail if you need to.

Give them the best response. Another reason why they’re happy to deal with you and the company you work for.

Opportunity is Endless

Opportunity is everywhere. Be the best at what you do and make sure everyone knows. This has nothing to do with being cocky or full of yourself. Just be the best at what you do and make sure your bosses know about it.

Every single thing you do can lead to a bigger future!

If you can handle it try taking on more tasks and challenges. This can lead to bigger things for you.

Today Makes Tomorrow

Understand the impact of today’s work will have an effect on your dreams of tomorrow.

Every single thing you do for work or business is a building block for your future. They’re stepping stones to something bigger. See your work as part of a larger goal.

That Would Be It For Now

I hope the above provided you with ideas and ways on how to be productive in the office. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below.

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